Spotlight on a Partner - Yidana Kobigbilla
After spending one year in school to become a teacher, Yidana decided to follow his passion; he would enroll himself in film school. With his creative intensions growing, he decided to end his year-long placement with the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation and freelance himself; only then could he truly allow his talent as a filmmaker and entrepreneur to grow. Working with various clients built up his brand and with perseverance and effective decision making, Yidana started Damba Multimedia, a thriving business that is still successful today.
Yidana is one of the most active Hub Network members EQWIP HUBs Tamale has grown to know. His experience as a young man out of university, trying to make it on his own, has contributed unique and important ideas to youth on how to be a successful business owner. “In order to stand out, youth must have an eye for opportunity. You must also have the passion to do something, without it, along the way you will get fed up.”
Yidana certainly followed his passion in life, which is most apparent in one key decision he made as a young man. With the offer of visiting friends in the United States, he instead asked them to buy him a camera. This camera proved to be a major turning point for Yidana in his young career, as this was his freelancing tool. “I could make my salary with this camera. That camera bought me my second camera, my first microphone.” That piece of equipment, which still sits in his office, is what Yidana points to as the spark that started Damba Multimedia.
This is the valuable knowledge that Yidana passes on to the youth of EQWIP HUBs. Originally undertaking printing jobs for EQWIP HUBs, Yidana realized that there was a relationship to build. He often visits schools or other NGOs to teach youth how to use his cameras and to pass on his skills, and EQWIP HUBs was a perfect fit for him to continue this in a more formal manner. “With EQWIP HUBs, it was an extension of that, a way to give back, because it is not everybody who has the opportunity to go to film school.” Yidana frequently shares his experiences with the youth of EQWIP HUBS, and hopes to continue his important role as a mentor.
A camera was the tool Yidana used to build his successful business, but there is clear brilliance in his manner of work, his care for clients, and his strategic vision for Damba Multimedia. His presence in the Hub Network and throughout EQWIP HUBs is felt and his honesty and passion is something that the Tamale participants benefit from greatly.

Michael Southcott